Passing aye carumba!
I have created a 2 hour desperately needed passing clinic to train your players to learn to pass more effectively.
Of all the skills I teach this is the one that the players are the worst at and ironically it is the easiest skill to master but I have heard it is “boring to teach”.
Players aged 5 and older can benefit from this clinic.
Simply put there are a few basic skills needed to master the forehand and backhand pass and the catching of a pass on your forehand and backhand.
This clinic can be taught to large group but at least 4 other coaches are needed.
Any player can learn to pass effectively; no athleticism or advanced capabilities are needed and almost every goal scored is connected to a good pass or a bad pass.
A proper pass is needed over 150 times or more in an average hockey game and the best way to reduce turnovers is to simply learn to pass and catch a pass properly.
This course has 1 hour of off ice and 1 hour of on ice skills training.
The skills listed below are in order of importance.
- What to do PRIOR to passing.
- Puck and Stick position
- Proper passing technique forward and backwards.
- Catching a pass.
- Depending upon the age:
- Saucer pass.
- Flip pass.
- Boards pass.
- Receiving a pass in hit hockey.
- Head and Shoulders position.
There will be:
- 1 hour off ice sessions inside of a Gym focused on these skills.
- For the off-ice session players will require:
- Gloves and sticks.
- Water
- Gym strip.
- For the off-ice session players will require:
- 1 hour on ice sessions putting into practice what we have learned in the Gym for a total of 2 hours of training.
Please let me know if your organization is interested in this clinic.
Coach Conroy