The Art of the Face-Off!

I have created a 90 minute Face-Off clinic and I would like to invite kids and coaches to participate in.

Players aged 8 and up can benefit from this program.

Learning these basic Face-Off skill can make a tremendous difference to each game that you play as there are 60 to 100+ face-offs in a normal game. Typically the team that has the puck the most is the team that wins the hockey game.

Each face-off gives you the opportunity for your team to get the puck and this is easy to do when you know how. But there is more to just winning a face-off your line mates need to be prepared to respond to that.

There are very few teams that trains face-off especially in the lower levels and this program will be a significant advantage for an untrained team. If your players learn to dominate the face-off circle early their skills, their confidence will continue to grow.

In the NHL, face-offs are so critical that teams will often have 2 center men on the ice at the most critical times JUST so they can win the face-off.

These are the skills that we will teach:

  1. Pre – face off communication
  2. Types of draws.
  3. Pre-set plays
  4. Engaging the opposition.

There will be:

  1. 1 90 minute off ice session in a Gym.
    1. For the off-ice session players will require:
      1. Helmets.
      2. Gloves and sticks.
      3. Shoulder and elbow pads.
      4. Water.
      5. Gym strip.

Please let me know if your organization is interested in this clinic.

Coach Conroy